Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Holy heartburn

Make it stop!! Most people would say, pop some Tums. After the kidney stones episode, I went to kidney america or some credible kidney related site, and read that "calcium based antacids can contribute to kidney stones". My one jar a month has dwindled down to the small packs and I use peppermint and gum more often. I just don't want to go through that again. So I deal!

Last night, she was so active. Everytime I see my stomach morph into an unrecognizable shape, I smile. I'd have to say that it is my favorite side effect of pregnancy. Her strength is amazing. Americas next gold star gymnast, right in my stomach.

Tomorrow is my 3 hour glucose testing. I failed my initial one last week, with a count of 159. I have to be there at 8am...not exactly looking forward to being there that early, but crossing my fingers for good results. Friday is a normal checkup at the OB. I love seeing how much weight my fat feet have gained.

One thing I never had a problem with pre-PG is having a bowel movement...well I shouldn't say that. I never had a problem with it after my fissure surgery and before getting PG. I went at least 2 times a day. This trimester is filled with sporadic poops, at all hours of the day. I ate a 10 pound Jasons potato filled with broccoli and cheese soup which normally tears me up. I got nothing out of it. Very odd. Baby seemed to like it as well.

The other thing I found out last week was I am anemic. I've always had low iron but was never classified as anemic. It may be a mental thing since hearing it, but I have been incredibly tired this week, even taking the extra iron pill. I don't expect this to subside until after she's born.

Lastly, my biggest annoyance today: SNOT. I won't go into detail about it because it will make me nausiated, but I should invest stock in Kleenex. Absolutely ridiculous.

Not too much else to report for today...I'll be on tomorrow to discuss my appointment.


Tracy said...

Good luck with your glucose test!

I had to go back on my prescription medicine for heartburn. I know it's rough! Hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

We love your blog, Scott says you have to keep it up! :) Luv ya!