Monday, August 25, 2008

First blog

Hi all. I have a few friends that keep a blog...figure it is a little more environmentally friendly than using the notebook like I have been. I think I'd keep up with this more than I would writing as well.

Not sure where to start, maybe with an introduction of myself? 26 years old, living in Georgia, originally from Upstate New York. Small fish in a big pond. I've been here for 8 years this July. I've grown to hate it. Traffic sucks, weather sucks, people suck, etc. You get the picture. I own a chow-husky mix named Hudson and a cat named Bobbie (shown on my front page). They are our babies. Newly married as of July 21st to the greatest man in the world. I'm very lucky to have someone like him...I don't know that I could find anyone else who would put up with my shit so I'm not going Just kidding P.

We are pregnant with our first child, a girl. Made this discovery March 3rd after having a late period by a few days and a random throwing up the week before. Definately were not trying, but had been off the pill for 2 1/2 months when it "happened". So here we are. I'd have to say I'm definately not in the place where I wanted to be when I had my first, but I suppose everyone has those feelings/thoughts at one point or another about their first. Still, we are definately very excited and feel very blessed.

The pregnancy overall has not been so bad. My first trimester was filled praying to the porcelain god...not being able to keep anything down. The second tri, at 21 weeks I got kidney stones that put me in the hospital for 2 days. We just recently got into the third trimester. It's fine so far, with the peeing all the time, getting out of bed every two hours to both use the bathroom and regain the feeling in my hip and leg depending on which side I am sleeping on. It's been a trip...I can't believe how fast time is zipping by. This week I am 30 weeks, only 10 more to go.

Yes, we do have a name. No, I will not be telling what it is until the big day. ;)

I'll close with the bout of heartburn, kicking of the bladder and my gut.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Congrats on your first blog post!

Love your cuties, Hudson and Bobbie.