Thursday, November 6, 2008

So behind!

I'm a slacker! Yes I'll admit it. It's been almost 2 months without an update. There hasn't been too much going on but I'll try to break it down the best I can with my horrible memory.

The update on baby is as of today, she is 4 days overdue. She is still active and we had a NST (non-stress test) Monday I believe and everything checked out. We have a follow up appointment tomorrow at 8:30, where they will schedule me to be induced either Sunday/Monday. So at the most we're looking at no more than 4-5 days until she is here! I am very excited but also nervous. It is such a huge life change that incorporates so many emotions and still seems very surreal that I will be a Mom.

Over the last couple of months we've had a few appointments obviously. At the end of Sept, (9/26 I believe) I had an appointment with a midwife who stated the baby was growing bigger than they'd like, so they scheduled me for an ultrasound that following Wednesday, 10/1. They determined that she is in the 89th percentile for growth however my fluid was low (a 7) so they placed me on bedrest for 3 days. I returned to work that following week with improved fluid levels at an 11. Don't ask me what "normal" fluid levels are...I have no idea.

At 36 weeks, I had them check me- I was 1cm dialated. They typically don't check until 39 weeks, so we'd have to wait a couple more to see what progress I've made.

We've had appointments since then every week...We saw the last doctor, Dr. Ivan on the 17th who also made a comment about our big baby. He scheduled us for another u/s the following week on 10/22. Saw Dr. Amy who informed us she is 8lb 3oz give or take a pound however she was not concerned with the baby being too big. One thing that sucks about having so many doctors at a practice- you have about 8 different opinions from 8 different says she is too big, the other says she is fine and not to worry...I think next round, we'll make sure we have one doctor handling things. I can't deal with all of these personalities.

My last day of work was 10/24. I was growing increasingly uncomfortable and with her being late...I almost wish I would have tried to stick it out for another week. ..but what are you going to do? P has made a few comments about it which gets me upset because again, what am I going to do? If I deliver vaginally, I get paid for 6 weeks. C-section, 8 weeks. We'll be ok financially but just tight.

Anyhow, our last appointment was 11/3, and I was still only 1 1/2-2 cm dialated and still 50% effaced. I hope I will have shown some improvement tomorrow. I'd really rather go naturally than be induced.

My Mom arrived on 10/15. It has been interesting to say the least. I think it'll need its own post which I will do at a later time.

I just wanted to get this out of the way before I totally forget the last month and a half.

Crossing my fingers my daughter will show herself soon! Mom is tired!

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